Jacob Velez
Age: 27 | State: California | County: Riverside | Case Status: Closed
I saw my blonde hair blue eyes baby boy #3 Jacob everyday. He left our home and moved into his Nanas house 2 blocks away, 8 months before he was poisoned. He took such great care of his Nana.
My Dad, his Papa, passed from Covid and Jacob didn’t think twice when asked to move in with his Nana and help her through this horrible time.
He was sober, Street drug clean for over 5 years and present with our family. Jacob went to many Drs, Psychiatrists, nutritionist, Therapist and was prescribed lots of different medications to help him feel “normal”. My warrior, fighting so hard to find out why he felt different from everyone else.
I guess one night he was having physical pain and wanted relief and found unknowingly Fentanyl on the street and died. He knew the consequences but trusted someone? He did not want to die and he did so much to try and live like everyone else. His case went no where and was closed shortly after finding COD.💔
Forever 27 Jacob Donald
07/16/1995 – 07/29/2022